Pathway to Graduation

We want to increase young people’s capacity to secure well-paying and personally fulfilling careers while also helping them develop hard and soft skills to become more self-reliant. Our Case Managers work with youth to develop an Individual Support Plan (ISP) that outlines short- and long-term objectives and aligns the IEP and 504 plan goals.

Case management for “at-risk” youth with a focus on supporting goals in IEP or 504 plans. Also provides financial assistance for basic needs.

Who is this program for?

  • Youth 16-24 years old with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
  • King County residents
  • Low income households
  • Youth Designated "High-Risk"

What can you expect from Pathway to Graduation?

We connect youth and families with outside service providers such as the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Developmental Disabilities Administration, and post-secondary education. We also connect youth with ODMF programs, where young people make professional connections, learn how to build their resume, and develop social-emotional and independent living skills.

Our program objectives include: return and graduate from high school, continues education, and obtain employment opportunities. 

Thank you to our program partners!

Pathway to Graduation is supported by:

King County

Best Starts for Kids

U.S. Department of Education

Office of Special Education Programs

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