We want to increase young people’s capacity to secure well-paying and personally fulfilling careers while also helping them develop hard and soft skills to become more self-reliant. Our Case Managers work with youth to develop an Individual Support Plan (ISP) that outlines short- and long-term objectives and aligns the IEP and 504 plan goals.
Case management for “at-risk” youth with a focus on supporting goals in IEP or 504 plans. Also provides financial assistance for basic needs.
We connect youth and families with outside service providers such as the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Developmental Disabilities Administration, and post-secondary education. We also connect youth with ODMF programs, where young people make professional connections, learn how to build their resume, and develop social-emotional and independent living skills.
Our program objectives include: return and graduate from high school, continues education, and obtain employment opportunities.
Open Doors for Multicultural Families is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit in the United States, EIN #27-1206272.
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